Current economy concern you?    

Is your retirement savings safe in this volatile & inflated economy?
         Welcome-We are glad your here!                

A very important advantage annuities have over other types of investments is that, depending on whether the annuity is  "qualified" or "non-qualified" the income they generate may not be fully taxable.

Only the interest earned is taxable when it is distributed from a nonqualified annuity. 


Annuitites work very well if :

        You're saving for retirement
         If you're already contributing the             maximum to other retirement                     plans, like an IRA or 401(k), an                     annuity is an attractive retirement           planning option that grows tax                   deferred.

  • You won't need the money soon
    If you don't anticipate needing money from savings prior to turning 59 ½, then an annuity may be a good option for you.
  • You're worried you might outlive your savings
    Annuities can provide guaranteed income for the rest of your life, whether you live to be 100 or even 120. It does happen!
  • You want to leave a legacy
    With an annuity, you can provide your loved ones with a death benefit in the event of your death.

No more broker fees EVER! No more monthly fees, ever! Have you considered how much these fees are costing you? It's a lot of money you could and should be keeping in your account!

"For example, say you have $100,000 in an "stock market account that charges a 1% fee and the underlying stock recognizes a 7% return for the year. Your effective return would only be 5.9%. Then you must pax taxes which takes your net return down further! 


We specialize in the retirement and investment use of annuites "only". 

There is no other investment product for savings or retirement that offers the  long term track record and history of annuities.

This allows you and us, to sleep well at night! 

Unlike many in the Annuity industy that represent just one Insurance company, we provide the best products from the best insurance companies, based on each of our clients needs! 



Many Americans have some level of investment in the market — with many working-age adults choosing 401K's or IRA's to help save for the future. But when we experience market volatility as we have lately, and with no end currently in sight, it has led millions of Americans and it may lead you, to rethink how much risk you’re willing to take with your nest egg and your future, especially if you’re in or nearing retirement.  

A sudden market downturn, like the one we experienced in early 2020, can put your future retirement plan at risk. And the earlier in retirement a market downturn happens, the greater the impact it can have on your retirement savings, and many experts agree we are in very dangerous financial territory.

THE GOOD NEWS IS the retirement that you dreamed about and saved for can still be yours, even in this troubling economy or others yet to come:


We can assist you in creating a personal retirement plan that meets your goals for retirement with the time tested use of an annuity! 

So What's so unique about an annuity?

An annuity has the potential to grow your money in some unique methods that are not available in most traditional investments:

  1. Owning an annuity is the unique opportunity to realize TAX-DEFERRED compounded interest growth over a long period WITHOUT vulnerability to market fluctuations.

2.      There are also no monthly fees or broker

          charges. Instead- all those monthly fees and 

           Broker charges goes into your account!  

           It's called "Triple Compounding" interest on 

           principle, interest on interest, interest on

           funds usually lost to monthly fees, & taxes.

3.       With today’s retirees living longer, more 

           active lives, making sure you have                             adequate income for a lengthy retirement             is more important than ever.

           A fixed indexed annuity is an insurance                   product designed for long-term 

           retirement savings that can create a                         guaranteed stream of income or                                 “retirement paycheck” to supplement                     your other income sources, such as Social             Security, pensions, 401(k)/IRAs and                           personal assets. Plus, you have the                           potential to grow your income amount                   over time, while protecting any gains from             loss due to market downturns.

4.        Annuities provide a level of protection to                      help manage any negative market risk.                          Dispite any downturns in the economy now                or in the future, your payments once started,              never decrease- Annuities                                                    provide guaranteed income for the rest of                    your life, whether you live to be 100 or even                120. You can "turn on" your income stream                  when ever you are ready to retire!

5.      Natural State Advisors offers Annuity's that                  have "Annuity riders"-you can provide your                loved ones with a death benefit in the event                of your death.

          Annuity riders have been around for years,                  but they've grown in popularity over the past            few years.

          Due to market volatility, investors were driven            to find annuities that had income guarantees              and life insurance attached to their contract.

Learn more

In 2020,21, 22 & 2023, a record number of Americans moved their retirement funds out of the stock market and bank CD's, and rolled their funds into the security of an Annuity!  Billions of retirement dollars were moved in just the last  month!

Many Americans no longer consider the stock market or banks, as an acceptable risk factor for all of their retirement savings! 

There are many issues facing the future of the American economy and your retirement savings-

Annuities are a time tested method that have weathered every economic storm in America for over 115 years- and never lost one dollar of any investors funds!

There are ZERO tax implications (IRS Section 1035 free exchange) to move your savings. 

We are professionals and have placed millions into annuities for our clients- our process can "rollover" your retirement savings from any account(s) you currently have into the security of annuity in a very timely manner!  

It cost nothing to roll your funds over! 

Your savings is "Protected & Secure" with the insurance company that you choose: Your savings is not affected by a negative economy, government policy or stock market.   


Lets us show you why so many trust us with their retirement!

 No more monthly fees-No more broker charges!


NO administration fees


NO monthly brokerage fees


NO cost to enroll

Many Americans are unaware that Annuities have secured Americans retirement savings for over 115 years, and have weathered every financial storm!


CLICK HERE TO get in touch with us.


Here are a few replies from some of our clients:

"Real Peace of Mind"         

You have worked hard and saved for your retirement all your working life. When the time comes, what        will it take to make your retirement remarkable?        

You want to feel confident the money you've saved     and the program you selected to save it in, will             empower you to live the life you’ve always                     imagined. Whether that means traveling the world    or simply enjoying your own backyard, now’s the       time to focus on growing your savings in the safest    manner available in order to reach your retirement  goals and the lifestyle you want at retirement!                                                                                           

For over 115 years Americans have placed their trust and their future into Annuites:                                         

               YOU CAN TOO?                                

     Contact us now-we are ready to help you!                                               

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